Recognizing Driver Safety

Safety is a top priority at Q-Line Trucking and it is important to recognize our drivers’ dedication to safety. Today, we recognize Sheldon Bueckert, Q-Line Driver, who made the safe choice by going above and beyond the safety requirements for cargo securement.

Based on current regulations, this load is required to have 2 tie downs within the first 10 feet and an additional tie down for every additional 10 feet or fraction thereof. Based on these regulations, this load requires a minimum of 7 tie downs in order to be safely secured. As you can see, this driver utilized 15 tie downs to secure this load.

We encourage all employees to add more than the minimum required amount of tie downs, because:

  1. It demonstrates knowledge of current safety practices to law officials, preventing an officer from conducting an unnecessary vehicle stop.
  2. In case a tie down breaks in transit, the vehicle will still have the required amount of tie downs securing the load.

Thank you for making the safe choice, Sheldon!

Q-Line Trucking